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St. Gregory Choir rehearsal
Church-L-Choir Room (50)Advanced singers
Personnel Committee Meeting
Office Building-1-Terrace-B (20), Office Building-1-Terrace-A (20)Men’s Bridge
Education Building-1-Taylor Room (25)Pons bridge group Tom Lom - [email protected]
Discovery Hour Forum
Education Building-1-Parish Hall (200)Bishop Jim Curry, retired Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut and founding member of Bishops United Against Gun Violence, will be
10AM Worship
Church-1-Church (400)Church School – Godly Play
Education Building-3-Great Room (30)Godly Play is a Montessori-inspired spiritual formation program for children. In Godly Play, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using
Children’s Ministries Playground Coffee
We invite you to join us for a Playground Coffee following the 10AM service. Parents and children can get together for some