
Discovery Hour Forum

Education Building-1-Parish Hall (200)

DISCOVERY HOUR FORUM | Sundays, 9AM, beginning Sept. 10 | Parish Hall Visiting speakers and our own clergy teach our weekly Forum

Communion Awareness

Education Building-3-Great Room (30)

COMMUNION AWARENESS CLASS | Ages 4 and up The Episcopal Church invites every baptized member to receive communion, so instead of the

Children’s Chapel

CHILDREN’S CHAPEL | Every Sunday at 10AM Our youngest parishioners (and their families, if they like!) are welcome to Children’s Chapel, an

10AM Worship

Church-1-Church (400)

Church School – Godly Play

Education Building-3-Great Room (30)

Godly Play is a Montessori-inspired spiritual formation program for children. In Godly Play, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using

Youth Task Force

Anderson Youth & Community Center-1-Youth Room (50)

5PM CAYA Worship

Anderson Youth & Community Center-1-AYCC (50)

High School Youth Group & GPL

Anderson Youth & Community Center-1-Youth Room (50)

Join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday night of the month for food, fellowship, faith, games, and fun. Friends are always

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