Morning Prayer – Labryinth

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“Morning Prayer – with a twist!” NEW!

Tuesday, July 9 @ 8AM, then Tuesdays all summer long

For those that are going through MP withdrawal, we will start a variation of the traditional Morning Prayer on Tuesday, July 9th at 8AM. This service will be held on consecutive Tuesdays until our regular Morning Prayer program returns in September. 

We will draw from the traditional format and routine, but alternate readings and prayer forms, from contemplative to quiet prayer. We hope to open ourselves up to where the Spirit is guiding us during this summer of rejuvenation, reflection and renewal. So come as you can, come as you feel called for this simple and lifting twenty to thirty minutes each week. 

We plan to gather in the side yard of the Education Building, where the labyrinth is located, weather permitting. Alternate setting TBD. For more information or to help guide a particular week, please email Fred Elliott at [email protected] or John Wall at [email protected].

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” Thessalonians 5:16-18”

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