Lenten Quiet Day: “The Attraction of the Cross”, led by Martin Smith
Saturday, February 24 | 9AM – 3PM
Taking our cue from Jesus’ words “I, when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32), we will devote this time together to reflect on the way Jesus’ self-giving on the cross gives meaning to our own lives and a map for our journey. This gift of meaning and direction is the secret of living seriously and joyfully. Fr Martin will give three talks to stimulate our prayer and thought, and we will cherish this rare occasion to be quiet together. Our time will close with an opportunity for questions and sharing.
The Rev. Martin L. Smith is well known throughout the Episcopal Church and beyond as a retreat leader, writer and preacher, exploring a contemporary spirituality that seeks to find resources in Scripture and our great mystical traditions that deepen our response to contemporary challenges. Among his best loved books are A Season for the Spirit, The Word is Very Near You, Reconciliation, and Love Set Free. He lives in Washington, DC.