About Amy OKane

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So far Amy OKane has created 26 blog entries.

New Outreach Partner

Saint Luke's Outreach Ministries expand with newest partner, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

New Outreach Partner2025-03-12T15:11:14-05:00

Lent at Saint Luke’s

Commit to a new prayer practice. Explore the 'building blocks of faith'. Prepare the way for Christ in your heart.

Lent at Saint Luke’s2025-02-26T10:32:58-05:00

Go Deep With DOCC

Let's talk about the big questions & build deep connections this Lent. Begins Mar 4.

Go Deep With DOCC2025-02-26T10:35:46-05:00

Register for VBS

Register now for VBS 2025! 5 days this year! June 23-27, 9am-12pm plus extended days!

Register for VBS2025-01-21T12:58:42-05:00

Christmas 2024

Christmas is a season of joy and wonder. We invite you to join us!

Christmas 20242025-01-16T14:45:23-05:00

Thank You

Thank you to all who sponsored gifts of flowers & music to beautify our Christmas services.

Thank You2025-01-16T14:47:40-05:00

Thank you for Dove Donations

Thanks to all who donated a Digital Dove for P2P to help our neighbors in need this holiday season.

Thank you for Dove Donations2024-12-16T22:28:27-05:00

Hurricane Relief

Saint Luke's Outreach donates $5000 to the Episcopal Relief & Development Fund. To help those affected by recent storms, consider donating via the ERD.

Hurricane Relief2024-10-10T15:43:56-05:00
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